Sunday, November 26, 2017

Strange Cat Stories

Most of my favorite pictures of the cats were made before 
I figured out how to take high resolution screenshots.

Still, they hint at some pretty odd stories.
KittyCats are not your average housecats.

For one thing, Kittycats don't mind travel, not at all.

For another, they fall asleep in the water.

If you like to fly, so do your Kittycats.

I have no idea what this is all about, but the doll looks rather upset.

My cats enjoy a little stargazing in the wee hours.

The Pirates love to swim with their mother.

The Glacier cat asleep in her igloo, dreaming about ... Racoons?

I found it most distressing when some of the cats got sick,
and I hurried to build a clinic where I could care for them.

The healthy cats are sympathetic, and watch over the sick ones.
They always volunteer to help nurse them back to health.

If all else fails, we can always appeal to Guadalupe.
She comes to the Goddess Island to visit her beloved kittens.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Kittycats November Show

I took pictures of all the displays in the November KittyCatS Cat show.
I do hope I got the names right, I have a devil of a time keeping track.

I will go back tomorrow and correct any mistakes I might have made tonight.

Contestant #1,  Sole di Novembre, owned by Lixy Byron

Contestant #2  Miss Cat-Fish, owned by Trixie Ravinelli

Contestant #3  Love,  owned by Atiya Baar

Contestant #4  Sparrow, owned by Solyyy

Contestant #5  Pilgrim, owned by Moonlightpeg Maven

A close up of the fish eating Kitty.

Contestant #6  Cheetara, owned by Ladywench58

Contestant # 7  DrWho, owned by DrWho-JohnSmith

Contestant #8, Marquis, owned by Fennet (yours truly)

I also took a picture of the particles.

Contestant #9  Thankful for Home, Food, Family  & Friends, 
owned by MsMagick

And a close up picture of the lovely cat.

Contestant #10 Snow Price, owned by Audriannavon

And 2 close ups this time.

Contestant #11 Kaeli, owned by Eleanor8

Contestant #12 Shamie, owned by Kenzie1770

Contestant #13 Tigger, owned by Maxwell Grantly

A nice close up of Tigger.

Contestant #14  Moggy, owned by Laiyla

Contestant #15  Nasturtium P., owned by Ivy Norsk

And a slightly closer shot of the kitten.

Contestant #16  Faith, owned by Kerrington

The kitty squinted her eyes for the first shot, but I got another.
She also wasn't wearing her hat when I took the first pictures.

Contestant #17  Razor Bliss, owned by Phantom Trommler

And a close up of this pretty kitty.

Contestant #18  Sugar Coma, owned by Micaela Lemondrop

Last but not least, Contestant #19  Ashes, owned by Summerwind Adored 

I loved this one in particular because it looked so natural with
the kittycats sim behind it before she added the backdrop.

My cat was in the middle of making kitties, so here I am cuddling everyone at the show.

I'm going to leave these xtras below because I can't remember which ones I linked to.
If you do chance upon my display inworld, make sure you click on everything that shows
you the hand symbol, because I have some gifts and surprises for people who do.

The Bunny Garden

Biobreeds was handing out a free box of Bunnies for testing.

Of course I had to have some, but I had no room for them.
Fortunately, I ran into a lady who offered me some land,
and even though I promised I wouldn't to go prim crazy,
of course I did. What do you expect? I'm a builder.

So here I am on a big vacant piece of land with
ten bunnies and the start of a really nice garden.

As soon as I installed the fountain, the bunnies headed
straight into the water. You can't keep them out of it.

It wouldn't be so bad, but they always go to sleep.
I send them home, but the minute I turn my back
they go right back into the fountain for a snooze.

Next, I simply had to have some Butterflies.
A Lot of Butterflies. All kinds of Butterflies.

They flit around exactly like the real thing, 
and are almost impossible to photograph.

Then I remembered that I had a spider, and decided
that no garden can be complete without one or two.

Much thanks to ChrisCraft, who gave me both the spider 
and a "bucket of spiders" particle rezzer last Halloween.

With a little modification, I made a very nice
baby spider nest complete with spider sounds.

I bet you never knew Spiders make sounds.

This spider is a Black Widow.

The next thing I couldn't live without was a pool.
Just a little one....

Of course I had already brought in a tree.
I added some grass, and cattails, and papyrus.

I felt like it would be a nice setting to sit, 
and look at pictures on my Petra scroll.

Since I had the tree, a swing would be nice.
I already had the wonderful aerialist hoop.

It's a great place. She has the property up for sale, 
(just like in real life), so I will have to give it back,

In the meantime, I can bring the kittens here to play.
I opened a couple of my vampire kitten boxes, 
just to have a peak at them before repacking.

They've gone back to the cattery, because I can't afford 
to feed every cat I have in there, more than 150 right now.

But I'm having a lot of  fun playing in my borrowed Garden.